Call for project - Scale up for start-ups and micro-enterprises

Enterprise development and expansion are essential for economic stability and competitiveness. The new funding opportunity available in the Central Region is specifically aimed at supporting micro-enterprises and start-ups to accelerate their expansion and development.

The period for submission of grant applications is from 20 February to 20 May 2024.

The minimum grant amount is EUR 25 000 and the maximum grant amount is EUR 200 000. For start-ups that have not been in operation for at least one full financial year, the maximum grant amount is EUR 100 000.

The aid will cover up to 90% of eligible costs up to the de minimis ceiling (EUR 300 000 over 3 years), with a minimum own contribution of 10%. It is important to underline that applicants must have made a profit in the financial year preceding the year in which the application for funding is submitted (with the exception of companies that were established in the year in which the application is submitted and in the year preceding the year in which the application is submitted). 

Companies wishing to apply must meet certain conditions. These include being a micro-enterprise, having been in operation for at least one full financial year and having made a profit in the previous financial year or in 2019, continuity of business activity (with the exception of businesses established in the year of application) and employment requirements in terms of number of employees.

Eligible activities cover a wide range of areas, including the construction of production or service premises, equipment and technologies, innovation and the integration of green technologies into the operation of businesses.

By promoting smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurial skills, funding will support businesses not only to grow but also to strengthen their sustainability. It will also provide opportunities to promote the circular economy, including optimising production processes, reducing emissions and introducing green technologies.

The funding opportunity aims to create a dynamic and sustainable business environment in the Central Region, which will help micro-enterprises and start-ups to grow and become more competitive. It will strengthen the innovation potential of enterprises, contributing to the increased economic dynamism and sustainable development of the region.

More information is available at
